DragonBall Infinite Battle: Alpha III
4 years ago

Hey All,

FijiSama Reporting!

Its been awhile since my last update, so I figured I'd showoff a mechanic I wanted to introduce since Alpha I:


But that's not all! Read below for the Full Report!

First off; 2020, amiright?

it was one hell of a rollercoaster; full of highs and lows for everyone.

I was fortunate to achieve some crazy things during quarantine.

Graduated College, got a job two weeks later, lost that job 4 months after that (F**king Covid). Got diagnosed with spinal stenosis, Was unemployed for awhile; used the time to drop Alpha II. 3 months later got another (Better ) job; All in one year.

Rollercoaster is an understatement.

All things considered though, I'm blessed to be in the position I'm in. My new job keeps me really busy, which is why you guys haven't heard from me since Alpha II dropped last July( Gonna work on that lol.)

Speaking of Alphas, onto what your actually here for;

Alpha III News!


Alpha III is shaping up the biggest update yet!

Almost everything has been reworked from the ground up; Including (but not limited to):

  • Completely reworked classes (Tech/Tag/Free --> Control/Standard/Variable)

  • 10 New playable characters

  • Reworked/Updated Movesets for most of roster

  • New fight animations/Installs

  • 1 New Story Saga (Buu)

  • 3 New Side Sagas

  • 1 New Game Mode (Hercule City Arcade)

  • New Mechanic (Transformations!)

  • and much, much, MUCH more lol

    There are still a few things that need to be ironed out (Tag system, gameplay bugs, total file size (too damn big!)) But progress is progressing!


Alpha III completion status as of 3/18/21

  • Core Mechanics Rework - 80%

  • Character Updating/Reworking - 12.5% (2 of 16 complete)

  • Buu Saga Scripting - 100%

  • Side Saga Scripting - 25% (1 of 4 complete)

  • Story-Side Saga Building/Cutscene editing - 5%

  • Menu/Tutorial updating - 0% (lol)

As you can see, I still have quite a bit of work ahead of me. Life and work permitting, work on Alpha III will continue without interruption. As i get further along, i'll try to be better about updating with progress and such.

And this is just the beginning. (Alpha IV? DLC? who knows?)

(I do.) (Both of those are happening.) (More on that later lol.)

Until next time,




Next up


Seriously, Thanks for all the support guys.

Keep being awesome, and see you at the end!

Until Alpha III,

BigFiji AKA FijiSama

FijiSama here; Reporting with a special update!

Looks like Dr.Gero's final creation has joined the fight!?

Introducing Android 21!

And it seems she broguht a friend...? Read on to find out!

Hello All! Fijisama reporting after a long hiatus. It's been a while. But i didn't come empty handed Welcome to Sonic Blast! I'd say more but I'd rather you see for yourself

Available Now!


Due to unforeseen circumstances, Alpha II has been retracted for the time being. Release has been postponed to later this month. Thank You in advance for your patience and understanding.

- FijiSama

Hey all, Fijisama here with another minor update.

This time around its the (better) fusion of Goku and Vegeta:


Read below for more on Alpha III and progress news!

Hello All,

Fijisama back at it again with the Micro-Updates!

I'm shooting for a January 2022 Alpha III Release; All things considered I hope to be able to stick to that date.

In a show of good faith, I present to you:

The final Alpha III Roster!

Hello All!

It took a little longer than planned to get here since my last update; But I come bearing gifts!

Alpha III.1 launches 6/1!

More info below!


DragonBall Infinite Battle Alpha III.1 Out Now!

Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/qy3y7z90s77h0/DBIB

Hey all!

I made a playlist of character trailers for all my characters! It gets updated daily; So there's always something to see!

Click the link below and Check it out!

Infinite Theater Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRQQMpe8kTgwKHoPBJFfeidTKjRYj…

Shoobies leave a sticky trail of mucus in their wake, which can impede movement for any creature that steps in it.