Anyways, we have our #4th and #5th Parody Cameo Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!! Also two of the list of all deceased-ed Characters from them Universes of SMG4 and Splatoon as well!!!! We have none other then "Desti" and "The Box Club Leader" or better known as also "Mr. TCBL (Mr. The Club Box Leader)" as well from them Universes of both Jax Justun Studios and Haxx Hustun Studios as well!!!!!! And yes folks, I know that I'd put these Parody Cameo Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios all out of order, but fear not, I'll just bold their names from the pinned post and everything!!!!!
If you know what I mean from that!!!!! Anyways folks, that's all for now folks!!!! See you guys next time!!!!!!! #SplatoonSMG4AndPortalMeetsBoth #OfHaxxHustunStudiosAndFNAFtoo!!!!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!