FNaF: Freddy & Friends at Home 2

4 months ago



Well we just publish the Demo right now, but we have some bugs in the game, we will give you some of theme:
- DOORS: at the first night you need to close the doors but onle they will close if the camera it's seeing the left part, if the camera is not looking at that part, the doors will not close.

  • JUMPSCARES: okay, okay I know that the most important part of this games are the jumpscares, but in a few hours we will bring a new DEMO with some of the bugs like this repair, if you see that your screen becomes clack it's because the jumpscare was active and then you will be immediately transported to the GAME OVER screen.

    Well that's all I have if you pass the first night and you see more bugs in the second night, please comment in this post. I will read all of them to solve the problems and bring you a not bugged DEMO.

Well thats all, see you on the flipside.
- Pale :D



Next up

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Till next time when I return to working on the projects!

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Late 2024...

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Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 8: @PhantronGames is a great Creator who makes FNaF fan games and animations! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!