Rifle Strike
5 years ago

Hello everyone! This game is getting remade by me into third person with much more advanced AI and better gameplay! The demo should come out these christmas, or early 2020!



Next up

Rifle Strike is now available for download on Steam! Mutliplayer and Singleplayer are live!

Please playtest the game and provide any feedback you have!

Made a new MAP sketch for Hunger Games!

I made a new Final-nights like game with 5 unique nights! Took me like a year already :) I think its pretty cool, so just wanted to share it somewhere ;) btw Can anybody record his gameplay? I need some to post it on the page!

working on some levels ๐Ÿ˜

I'm officially going to update this game on steam only!

If you still haven't downloaded it, go for it!

It's completely free and being updated daily!

#news NEW HALLOWEEN SPECIAL FOR UnrealCN!!! I worked really hard on it, so at least check it out!

Everybody... There is something important to say... SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE!!! He is losing the war with T-Series!!! *All of you: please Subscribe!!!!* #news #attention #pewdiepie #help

0.3 Version Done!!! I just canยด t export it, because of no more free space on my computer, i am going to export it as soon as i can!

What you all think

A Shiny Mega Gengar ๐ŸŒŸ For @ManutkArt 's #ThreeColorsChallenge!