„Your Own Reality” Dev-Log
Game description
Yesterday I updated description because old one was very, very bad. Now it's looking kinda good. If you want to see it, visit this link.
New support page
On new page you can donate with single payment method or membership (monthly). If you want to support me and my work, you can do it on this website.
Website Update
I updated my website yesterday. Now links are working. I also changed discord link to never expiring one. In the bottom right corner you can see a small coffee icon. By clicking on it, you can buy me a „coffee”. One coffee costs 3$. You can buy it with PayPal. Thanks for all people supporting
Game Updates
New Map
I added a new map which is finished and ready to play. I added some darkness, so now it's more atmospheric.
Old Map Fix
I fixed dialog bugs and FPS drop.
Custom Settings
About week ago I implemented a custom FPS settings and custom resolution settings. Now it's working better and everything is saved every [...] minutes.
Falling through floor
This bug has been fixed.

#fps #adventure #interactivestory #decisions #YOR #other #screenshotsaturday
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