Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2
1 year ago

Hello FNAF people!!! How are you, today this afternoon?!?!!! Hopefully good and everything!!!

So, like a couple of days ago, I'd created a post that shows off the original Story/Plot for the 1st Five Nights at Jax Justun's Game!! And now, as for today of course, here's THIS post that'll show the Original and very 1st Version of the Story/Plot for the sequel game known as "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2", released back on March 24th, 2021, just a day after I'd released the #1stFNatJJsGame!!!

So, the story/plot for this 2nd FNatJJ's game takes place right after the events from the #1stFiveNightsAtJaxJustunsGame!!! And it doesn't take place around or inside of the REAL WORLD, but instead, the setting of the #2ndFNatJJsGame takes place at "Bertram's Station"!!! Which is the same exact place/area where the events of "Five Nights at Smudger's 2" had took place!!!

And as for the rest of the MAIN PLOT POINTS from this Story/Plot here for this game right here, it of course DID NOT age all that great!!! So, enough talking already, let's just get this over with and whatnot......


The First and Original Version of the Story (Plot) for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 Only:

(Originally Created on: March 24th, 2021)

Jax Justun is back! But he has a friend now! And his name is Jax Marble!!


After that horrible incident from those naughty or GOD AWFUL robots from those "Old Owners", The New Owners name Chuck Patoe & Berttram Jonnson had decided to well? Umm? Decided to do a thing of their own! Which they had decided to keep the Old Owner's business going! That means THE NEW OWNERS wanted to try to make these robots better.

And now with their new robots that they had for like a long time, everything was now running smoothly! But sadly, when they had hired their first night guard named "Glord J. K. Ellstine", it did not end pretty. His sister "Lion J. K. Ellstine" had told THE NEW OWNERS that having like a CRAP ton of robots that are some that are new and some that are old can be a bit CHAOTIC!! And bit toxic. So, the New Owners had decided to hire not just one but TWO Night guards to watch over their place/restaurant called "Kenton and Mr. Direction's Museum Fright Station of Natural Haunted History" (Yes that's a mouth full) to see how things are going. And what I mean by that is that the two NGs need to see things or keep things in order. Like watch over the place through 12-6AM, watch the robots to see if they're moving, see if any thieves coming in and breaking IN, and trying not to doze of all the time!

So The New Owners decided to call the legendary/famous pig of all time JAX JUSTUN to see if he's AWESOME enough to watch over this place. And that was what THE OLD OWNERS told to THE NEW OWNERS. Jax Justun had told them "YES"! And he'll also bring his old friend along name Jax Marble to help them out. Including Jax Justun.

So your job is to do the same thing as what as you did before! Help Justun & Marble to survive each night in each week until clock reaches 6AM, try not to get killed the OLD & NEW robots/animatronics, and make sure to not call the police. The NEW AND OLD OWNERS had been told that these robots do not love policemen! I have no idea why.

Meanwhile though, back at Aiea Intermediate School, things aren't going so well. Because I have been told that these OLD AND NEW ROBOTS might work over there! And it won't be SUPER DUPER PRETTY!!! Well, again! Help Justun and Marble survive each night, Keep things in order, and try not to get killed! ANYWAYS!! Stay strong! GOD BLESS! AND EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!! Well, Be safe EVERYONE!! #fangame #horror #adventure #other #survival #puzzle #pointnclick #fnaf #fnaf


Well people, that was THAT I guess.....???

I must say though, I did like a much better and nicer job from making this story here for the 2nd FNatJJ's game. But again, it hasn't age all that well entirely of course. But hopefully though, when time passes on by, I'll remaster this story up ENTIRELY!!! Anyways, have a nice day and have a safe night you guys!!! #TheOldAndNewOwners!!! #WelcomeBacktoBertramsStation!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!



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