Game Soundtrack
Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 extras menu song: FIRE BURNING ON THE DANCE FLOOR
- 1.Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 extras menu song: FIRE BURNING ON THE DANCE FLOOR
- 2.Shaq fu's Main Menu song: as the 1st ringtone
- 3.Give your Heart a Break: as the 2nd ringtone
- 4.Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 Main Menu Music
- 5.Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 100% Completion Song
- 6.Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 Bad Ending Song
- 7.Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 Custom Night Menu Song #1
- 8.Kidz Bop 22 Starships: as the 3rd Ringtone
- 9.Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 Ambiance #1

(Message Typed on: May 19th, 2024)
Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 is of course the long and awaited future parody Bendy/FNAF-like sequel from the original and 1st "Five Nights at Jax Justun's" game!!!! From this future sequel alone, the main, myth, and legendary Jax Justun is FINALLY back!!!! Alongside with him is his long awaited friend and designer of Jax Justun Studios known as Jax Marble!!!!! Be safe and have a wonderful day!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!
-End of Message!!!!
(Message Typed on: May 20th, 2024)
Attention folks, this is the messager sender of Jax Justun Studios here!!! As you may recall here, the new and improved story for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 2 will contain more and more new lore about the past, present, and future events of Jax Justun Studios and would might contain a few things too from its original story/plot!!!!
(If you're even brave enough, you can check out the original Story/Plot here for FNatJJ's 2 right here on this official post here: https://gamejolt.com/p/hello-fnaf-people-how-are-you-today-this-afternoon-hopefu-g2jk73jt)
If you guys are of course brave enough to read, watch, and look at it!!! Anyways, enjoy the new and improved version of the story of #FNatJJs2!!!!
-End of Message!!!
(Full Entire New & Improved Story Created on: May 20th, 2024 - 2024)
Chapter One - (Back to The Parody Past!!!)
It was September 14th, 1814, the world as we'd all knew it was about to change for the better!!! The highly and anticipated Jax Justun Studios was officially opened for business and the rightful and respectful owner of this company known as "Nave Jonnson" had officially said that Jax Justun Studios will make sure to create amazing and original parodies for the better tomorrow!!!! This company had literally almost everything that everyone else had wanted in life!!!! But when years past on by, there will always be future and massive consequences!!!! Nearly like 109 years had past through time, and it was something that was never been seen before in the public eyes and domains of Jax Justun Studios!!!!
It was June 12th, 1923, just only like three months away until the #109YearAnniversary of Jax Justun Studios, around at 10:30 AM, after three unconscious and very sick bodies of two 14 year old girls and one 15 year old boy were found inside of an old cardboard box in a dumpster behind a high school just 119 blocks away from Jax Justun Studios, the government and military bases that were part of the "Jax Justun Studios Foundation" had to close down both of the high school and Jax Justun Studios for maintenance and some safety reasonings!!! Around that time, it was said to be true that one of the original parody mascots known as "Silver Cipher" must've been the one that had caused this nightmare to had happened!!!! And then, years later back on November 11th, 1982, yet another innocent had occurred just 130 miles away from Jax Justun Studios!!!!
Where another parody mascot known as "Purple Cipher", had came out of nowhere at just around 8:40 AM, when he'd started to attacked almost all teachers and grade levels at an elementary school, this time involving that the animatronic was been told had he was being insulted from two strict 40 year old elementary teachers that were both math and science teachers!!!! But only the elementary school was only been the one to be closed for safety measures!!! And finally around on May 17th, 1989, just a few years after the massive incident of "The Parody Chaos of October 1987", three more accidents and/or incidents had occurred!!!! Two from two different high schools and the third one from a local shopping mall!!!!! At around 7:30 AM, two other and now defunct parody characters of Jax Justun Studios named "Mr. Chomping Plant" and some giant Toilet Robot-like monster started to trash up both of the entireties of each two different high schools!!!! After all of that, around at 2:30 PM, the local shopping mall was then attacked by another parody character known as "Kenton Cipher" or just "Kenten"!!!!
Chapter Two - (A Unstable Creation of in Turns From Events!!!)
Nearly six whole hours and 30 minutes of death and destruction, Kenten was then put into rest from the detectives of Jax Justun Studios!!!! But that had never stop there, because from 1989 through 2007, Kenten Cipher was arguably one of the most dangerous and most unstable of parody characters that Jax Justun Studios had to face off against!!!!! From 18 years alone, Kenten Cipher had like the most aggressive and most dangerous parody character that Jax Justun Studios had ever created!!!!! For nearly 18 years, Kenten Cipher has been causing lots of incidents, traffic jams, and many many event cancelations ever since his first debut in front of Jax Justun Studios in January 19th, 1946!!!!! Just 43 years without any chaos happening from just one robotic piece of parody-like machinery alone!!! but 18 years later, Kenten had finally and randomly became the most aggressive and the most dangerous parody character of all Jax Justun Studios history-ness!!!!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling