Baldi's Basics Field Trip Plus

4 years ago

Hello guys, so, how are you going today? I know, this game is discontinued and kinda broken, but there is something I would like share with you, that will make you HAPPY.................. just look at the images

(Check below for Updates)

Yeah… as you can see, it's just a basic scroll game, but don't look the game like this, it's a REMASTER, in this gif, I made a new AI that is working pretty good, and the news are: the game is back! But now a remake! Of course, I'll not do everything of the game, that will take a long time, so I'll share with you the news when it has and make the whole game in step-by-step, I'll publish the game in small updates every week (or in my time), but now it's just it, oh yeah I almost forget! The NPCs now will be a clone of one sprite, no more a lot of sprites with the own AI, now I'll make a customizable AI with variables, e.g: Follow the player: false - Vision distance: 5, wandering (walk around in the map): true, do custom event: True - Which event? (like The Test, it can make the player blind, it's a custom event), can be "sweeped": true

I think you guys already got it.

But you maybe are asking, how do you will make so many clones if the scratch have their own limits of clones?

That's simple, I use htmlifier to test my games, htmlifier have an option to export sb3 projects to HTML without clone limit, that could help me, but this time, I'll not do to mobile, because it's broken and scratch was not made to make mobile games.



Next up

New Updates about the NPCs and Objects.

A low quality video speedrunning Baldi's Basics Plus 2D!

Just quickly showing up how the game is today

Seed: 0

Yes, I added Field Trip minigame to the Game!

But only one, the farm one will still be developed, I decided to just upload the new version earlier because I'm lazy :)

But don't worry! You will probably expect a new update soon!

New Game in Development :)

School Bag

And Kaspersky don't give me a chance, look at that, when I tried to download the game, look what my antivirus said.

Look I guess the game is not the problem, but what engine is compiling the game?

v3.2.0 Generator Update

Took a while, but here it is!

New Updates!

v2.1.0 Update Out!

v2.0.0 Out, New Generator Update!!