4 years ago

Hello, Julius. I want to play a game.

(Not My Artwork, By The Way)

To many students at school, you're known as the resident bully. You antagonize countless people you meet, all without a single hint of empathy for them. You carelessly harass, abuse, and assault other students to satisfy your own twisted desires. The irony is that even the suit you are now currently trapped inside of, you made as a tool to use the same people you put down as your own personal servants.

How the tables have turned, Julius.

Now you're the one being helplessly harassed, restrained and tormented. Exactly how the ones you mistreat feel when you harass them. It's not fun to be on the receiving end of things, isn't it, Julius?

Enough of that, though. I've taken the liberty of designing a few new...additions to you mechanical suit. Once this tape ends, the game will begin. This suit works like a modern day breaking wheel would, except this trap doesn't need a wheel to break your bones. The exoskeleton has been designed to pin the wearer's limb into unnatural positions, and once the game begins, your limbs will be forcibly moved into limitations beyond the human body's capability.

Your limbs will be bent and twisted, as they will break over, and over, and over again until your bones are demolished, and you'll be a fleshly and gory mess of parts. The same will happen to the other parts of your body. Your bones will be broken slowly, and it will be a cruel death. Exactly like the original breaking wheel execution's pain.

If you do not successfully escape before the time runs out...words will not be able to describe the agony you will experience.

Live or die, Julius. Make your choice.



Next up

Lamar Roasts John

(You'll only get this joke if you're familiar with both GTA V and the FNAF: Silver Eyes book trilogy series.)

One of my human kings, Abylep, one of the oldest people in my world currently.

Merry Early Christmas List

Rat Race Production Update

Gregory vs Springtrap

Yeah, I know it's a different model, but still.

Meme Template was borrowed, and I got bored and wanted to do something with it, so here you go

Anyone who recognizes these characters knows what betrayal feels like.

And trust me, it does not feel good.

I think I have the wrong Rockstar Freddy, guys.


If you don't understand the joke, it's that the English voice actor for Zenitsu from Demon Slayer (Aleks Le) is also the voice actor for Nightmarionne's voice lines in UCN.

And yet both characters have completely different personalities.