Hihi, well... I didn't really expect to recieve messages from people asking about the state of the project, that was a very nice surprise tbh
Thanks to everyone who showed interest in the project <3
I'm aware that I've been a little quiet this whole time, and the reason for that are some commitments that I can't control, however, I've been working these last days on improving the interface and the user experience in general. Besides making some small changes to the gameplay to be more dynamic and entertaining.
So here's a list of the changes I've made, and the ones I plan to make.
->Improve the HUD
The game' s HUD is something that worried me a bit since the beginning. I'm sure it's not 100% finished yet and it can be even more efficient. Now your life's is shown on the HUD, not above the character.
There are also some buttons to do the main functions quickly (before you could only do these functions by pressing F1-F5)
In addition, I am planning to leave the mouse as an alternative for the user. Now when it shows the action you can perform on a certain object, instead of pressing the "interact" key, you can click on the message and perform the action.

1-Enter "Coding" Mode
2-Deploy CLARA
3-Restart Level
->Some aesthetic changes
I added more decoration for the stages, lights on windows, corrected the over-saturated lighting in bright places, added particle effects, and "light paths" on the characters.
Just like with HUD, I'm sure it's not 100% finished yet and it can be even more prettier, I am satisfied with these small improvements though.

->Improvements in Performance
Well, this is something that also bothered me for several days (and maybe the hardest thing from the list), now the collisions with objects is more efficient, it does not require as many resources as before, even a little, you can notice the improvement in performance!
Those are the changes made lately. Here' s a list of the upcoming changes.
->Work tables.
It will make sense in the next project update, but it will be an essential part of CLARA's gameplay.
->Fixing some sound bugs
Some objects repeat their sound twice, I haven't really had time to deal with that problem, but it's certainly not something to worry about.
->Improve some animations
I feel that some animations can be changed, to give an example, the animation of standing up after having ejected CLARA.
->Zones that clean up the player's inventory
Just like in the game "Portal", areas that isolate the objects you can bring with you.
->Hide the HUD when it's not important
This will be the first change I make to this list, it's kind of annoying to see all that information at all times, you really don't need to have that visible at every moment.
That's all, thank you very much for supporting this project!
I know it's a bit weird to see these updates without a public version of the game, however I want to keep track of the development and make it visible to everyone, and also let people know that I'm still working on it :)
Thank you!