11 days ago

Hello, this is my "about me post". But I'm sad to say that I am going to can the idea about my first TRTF's game I made a couple months ago until I feel the time is right. Sad start but things are changing and if you would like to know more you can below.

To tell the truth, my love and fondness for the series has died down quite a bit since playing the originals (expect 1 because just no lmao), listening, reading, and overall just thinking about the story of the series in general. I understand the appeal and (believe it or not) there are good things in both the story and the whole series like the animatronic designs (Vigo, all the Frankburts and the beast are peak idc what you say), the TRTF 5's whole building being floors and each being unique, the main gameplay ideas from 3, 4, 5 and RADSLA, the music and so much more. There isn't anything like it and you won't ever find a fan game series so rich with history and background to them, even Tyler himself as a person himself is interesting to research on. Although he has done some weird and dumb shit as well as made people uncomfortable like with Kitty or Maribuns, or the fact that his games are in fact flawed (mostly 1 and 2 but really all of them) and age hasn't done them much justice with bugs and so on. despite Tyler's short comings, one things for sure is that he made an impact on fnaf and that's something that can't be ignored (for better or worse). And really I still owe him one for being for the few people to suck me into fnaf fan games with it's forth entry and still can't beat it oh well.

Alright back to me, the reason for why I'm caning the game idea is that during my time playing the official games and listening to the phone calls I actually thought it was well balanced with it's story and I thought I could get an idea of what it was and had fun doing so.. until reading the old text doc. I was so angry that most of what I thought about the story just went to shit and was met with inconstant characters, plot holes and so much more. I really was really upset by this and took a break for a bit, and after awhile then watched someone play the teasers (for whatever reason my antivirus was not having it lol). I really liked the teasers for the TRTF, mostly FIND ME as that is really cool to see the various stuff that contained it but still didn't really fix the story and in fact made me dislike a few like Vincent as he's the biggest kick in the nuts to me.

The story alone got me to take a break from it and it's clear that the story I had made 6-7 months ago doesn't make since at all with this series and I don't want to try and fix it. I never had the intent of fixing the story and wanted to make my own using the characters from the series to make something new and fresh and while a part of me wants to continue I feel like it's not worth it anymore. And no I did not read the dreadful truth, while that's the true story I only care about the game continuity and that's that.

Well that's about it, guess I just leave the community since I don't like the series that much anymore... nah I'm fucking with you I'm not going anywhere lmao. I still really like this series and the people who love this series are fantastic at what they do and it inspires me to want to do stuff. I will always love TRTF content from other people who care about this series then me and they deserve the world for turning the series around and make it great.

Here's all the ones I'm fallowing so give them a fallow if you care, here's the playlist:https://gamejolt.com/playlist/anything-trtf/690523

So.. what now? well I still have a few things up my sleave that I want to focus on and that's the fallowing:


I want to change the original Dormitabis, three big ones being rewriting the types (eat shit), attempt to fix both the crashing and the bugs and tweaking Foxy's mechanic a bit. I'll need help with this one so if anyone is up for that then let me know.

(Try to) make an accurate FRANKBURTS game with replacing characters like Kitty with Surger and so on. I know I said that I'm caning my TRTF idea but this is actually resent that I wanted to do since there's not a lot of them and the game could have some nice humor to make the game better.

and a bit more but for now this is what I want to focus on rn and I'm really exited to continue from here.

Here's some shout outs I want to give:

@AleckGamer40 : You are and still a cool dude to talk to, I hope your fever is over and are well :) Oh and SPRINKLES will appear somewhere, I promise.

The people in the TRTF Fantasy Server: It was rough being in there ngl and not because the people were there, a lot of them are nice but because everyone knew about the series more then I did. I presented the idea for my TRTF game idea and got RIPPED on for being to different from the source material, which is fair but that was the point lol. Anyway if it wasn't for them I wouldn't of bothered to give Tyler's games a try nor the story he wrote.. but that's part of why the games canned but oh well. Everyone was nice and if you know everything about the games and outside stuff you'll fit right in, sorry I left btw I was trying to process what to do after that day and just couldn't do that without being reminded.

Everyone I'm helping/helped with projects or smaller things: You guys mean so much to me you'll never know. The talks and convocations I have with you all even if it's small matter to me more then whatever project I'm doing currently. I hope we're able to make the games we want and that we're proud of :)

I think that's it, last year was a very important for me as it was the year that I've stepped up and starting talking to people about things that I would keep to myself, rather it be fan game rankings and things like that. Hopefully I can get at least ONE thing out this year as that would be more then great to accomplish. I hope your days are fantastic and I'll see you all next time :)

1 comment


Next up

OH is that right!? so when someone admits to staking someone for a WHOLE YEAR AND HRASSES people that's fine but when I want to give awareness to you lot this is what I get? You know what fine then, dw about the block cuz I won't join back, what a joke.

Hello, this is rather serious one as this is happing rn. A user by the name of @IsaiahZ is using alt accounts as a way of harassing me and a few selected targets and it's advised not to engage or speak to them. If any of these users talk ill about me:


Hello! I know I said that I'm moving out of the public eye for awhile but Fazbear's Mascot Simulator has found!!! Someone asked the dev if they still had a copy and he gave the games download on Google drive. I asked the dev if he was cool with me-


Oh wow! 187 Followers! that's a lot of people. I have to say thank you all so much for the follows, although it's not my goal to reach a shit ton of these it's still nice to get from time to time. I hope you all have lovely days ahead and see you latter.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite main line FNAF GAME! although simple with it's gameplay it's a good game with fantastic visuals and minigames. This game has the best replayability in the series and has one of the best endings ever, the music still gets me.

''Could someone be at my window?''

I don't see a lot of people talk about the redesigns for the cast of PPW and I think they look pretty good for what they are. But I'm still shocked/annoyed that they're still keeping the name "Gay Gecko" for one the main four antagonist for the game.