Friday Night Painting

1 year ago

Hello, we still need people to work on this mod.


We need more people to work on this mod because:

1. Our coder, Alex does stuff got banned on gamejolt presumably for being an annoying piece of poo poo pee pee to other Gamejolt users.

Now he is trying to make a remaster of FREAKING MONDAY MORNING LIVE LEAKIN. (probably because he has probably lost his mind by now)

2. We need someone to animate sprites and generate xml files so that we can shove them into the mod. 3. Alot of the ost is already finished so it would be great if we got more people focused on the art and animation direction.

3. OST is almost finished so it would also be cool if we could get charters too. Voice actors/ Actresses could also be neat.



Next up

I made a remake of castle of doom that got finished and scrapped today because tfk thought that it was too ambient and that I was taking the word ambient way too literally.

gumball gumball gumball gumball gumball gumball

Hey guys (information in the article below also the image is completely unrelated to the actual infomration in the post)

metro boomin make it boom;..;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.

Some people that I follow have done this test so I thought might aswell give it a try and these were my results.

idk this kinda looks like mememan

Guys chill out

Hey guys tagded here, just so you know I haven't quit gamejoltor anything and I have been making alot of music behind the scenes just so you know.