If anyone wants to help I need a spriter that will work on battle sprites and anything my dumb mind can think of if you are interested let me know.
things need
updated battle sprite
updated animations
Thx in advance
If anyone wants to help I need a spriter that will work on battle sprites and anything my dumb mind can think of if you are interested let me know.
things need
updated battle sprite
updated animations
Thx in advance
my friend wanted me to post this so here it is we will rock you on 30 dollar website
TOOK AWHILE but finally I got an update on the game 2 actually both of the phase 3 intros are done this one and another one sprite was made by @DanielXDDD
noelle joined
ITS TIME PEOPLE UNDERTALE BROKEN PARTNERS PHASE 1 IS 56% DONE and here is the long awaited update
Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.
OK LONG VIDEO TODAY but now the dialog for phase 1 intro is done thanks to @IHateTomatoes4 they are a big help in the making of this game
worship the ONE THE HOLY THE ONLY bob (original drawing)
Here is some SICK looking fan art by @DanielXDDD Thank you so much you have done so much for the game