Hello everyone!
Today is the day! 5 years ago Chapter 1 of Henry's Son got released! So much has changed!
With this 5th anniversary, I have a small gift for all of You! :D
A brand new (and final) update for the game!!!
Let me talk about the update first and then let me move on to the other stuff:
Henry's Son - 5h Anniversary Update:
Here's the list of all the changes! The update isn't that big but I think it does add some new cool things to the game :D
List of changes:
Added a brand new "anniversary mode"
Added "black&white" filter! You can access it in the video settings
Improved the atmosphere by adding dust particles all around the studio
Made the voice acting a bit louder
Added new fanart to the Extras area
Improved the blur effects in the Chapter 5 boat sequence
Improved the railcar sequence in the Inky Ruins DLC (there should not be problems with leaving it now)
Made the game run a bit smoother
Added a link to my Discord community server
These are all the changes! I hope you will like them! :D
Besides the changes in the game I also decided to unify the releases. Now there's only one package with both the base game and the DLC.
Here are also some screenshots with the changes:

That's everything about the update! Let me move on to the next topic...
From start to today:
There won't be too much stuff here but I just wanted to show you all how the game looked like these 5 years ago!
Let me just say that the changes are huge! You won't belive it is the same game!
Just take a look :D


This is how much the game evolved over these years! :D
It would not happen if not for you and all of your support which leads me to the final part of this article...
I know I keep saying this quite a lot but I don't think I ever will - THANK YOU!
If not for you, this game would not have been finished! :D
Henry's Son is special for me and I'm sure it means a lot to some of you too!
As I stated in the past - Henry's Son is the game which started it all! Thanks to this game (and you too ofc) I'm the person who I am today! I found my biggest passion in life - making games and I want to give you much more in the near future!
I do have some wild plans for this year! I can't wait to show you all of it!
To end it all off - Happy 5th Anniversary Henry's Son! I will never forget about this game, about all the memories and happiness that it brought me! For how much I've learned and grew from this game!
I wish every single one of you who supported the game, the best things in your lives! I've met so many amazing people and I could not ask for better fans than you!
One final time - THANK YOU and see you in the next projects!
It was an amazing and wild ride for me! A one that I will never forget!
See you next time! :D