“Alright, good morning, everybody,” said Joseph, taking his seat at the head of the conference table meeting. At the moment, the developer team and the main game testers were present for a meeting discussing the early reviews from screening copies of their latest project. IlluminiDivision was working on a new game to help gain publicity among the gaming community. Their latest project was one that people might not have expected them to work on. The title of it was called Glendale Highschool Simulator. Of course, the title was very misleading, as the actual game was supposed to be something much different than what the players would expect just by looking at the cover. On the outside: colorful, happy-looking, slice-of-life simulator. On the inside was a surprise solely for the player themselves to watch unfold.
“As you all know, the release date is in about a week, and the first early reviews of the game have come in. And from the looks of it, the results are…”, he checked his notes, “...for the most part pretty good. From what it looks like, none of the early game testers expected the twist or where the storyline of the game was going. They say some of the dialogue features are a little boring at times, but the story is great, for the most part. They also seem to be loving the way their choices impact the rest of the story, too.”
The development team took a huge sigh of relief. Their hard work definitely paid off in the end. Even after the disastrous time it took to program the entire game. Halfway through development, the team’s main designer quit due to unknown reasons, and IlluminiDivision desperately tried to find a new developer for the team. Luckily, there was an applicant named Ozzie Patterson, a game developer who formerly worked for Fazbear Entertainment, who quickly filled in the missing spot. He turned out to be quite the asset for the team, as his work was doing far better than the previous developer in his place.
“Congrats, you’ve all proved your usefulness to this company,” Joseph told them. “HOWEVER, there is one particular issue that a lot of the reviewers complained about. Many of them agreed that there were several glitches that they found while playing the game, and not the kind you would expect, either.” The team looked at each other in confusion. “What kind of glitches, exactly?”, Ozzie asked.
“Well, most of them had to do with broken character dialogue, a series of disturbing images, and several other gory aspects,” Joseph explained. Of course, most of these things were designed into the game on purpose to create a creepier experience, so Ozzie was confused. “I’m sorry sir, but I remember specifically designing things exactly like that into the game. So, what exactly are you talking about?”, Ozzie asked him.
“These glitches I’m talking about were ones that were never previously programmed into the game. Some of these aren't even meant to be in the final product. Look, I’m still trying to get ahold of the beta game testers, so our results are still pending. But they are definitely noticing some pretty bizarre things going on with this game, Ozzie. And the glitches aren’t even the weirdest thing that they found.”
“Well, go on sir, tell me what they found,” Ozzie said. He specifically remembered taking extra care in coding not just the AI but also helping with the design of the game graphics and other parts of the game. He worked practically days on end into making this new game the best it could be. So this better be a valid complaint.
“Yeah...the details surrounding it are kind of vague right now, Ozzie. I think we should probably wait to see what the main player reactions to this game are first before we get into any serious details. Besides, even with the issues our new game has, our reviewers said that overall it was a good, enjoyable, and surprisingly dark and gritty game. I think we’re covered for now. If there’s anything serious that happens, I’ll let you know right away,” Joseph said, as he leaned back in his chair with a smug smile on his face. “I have a feeling this is going to go well, Ozzie. Happy to have you on our team instead of working for Fazbear Entertainment.”