12 days ago

Here's a better look at Freddy for One Night at Freddy Fazbear's Remake game page will come soon



Next up

the character you saw in the teaser is nightmare coco

i almost done making models for this game i love how they look they are much then there minecraft look

Bonnie full body render

We haven't reached 300 yet but I couldn't wait to post this, so here it is!

Remembering that all models will be in a model pack as soon as the game comes out!!

The main menu for the game it's still a wip main menu things will get changed in the game when it's finish

FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!

aaaa i see three characters people like the most is the bat, drago and..... freya for some reason

one of the game over screens for the game i am working on now

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

Freddy and the gang :D