Demo Version 1.0.1 Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue where certain screens forced the game into Windowed Mode.
Fixed Discord Rich Presence activating anyway if the game is opened while it was set to OFF.
Fixed window subtitle not appearing in a certain frame.
Fixed some objects not being destroyed during jumpscares.
Fixed jumpscare sound cutoff caused by a Bezel Event.
Fixed an easter egg in the Kitchen camera not functioning as intended.
Game Over tip added for Iscream's SAW Trap.
Arrows pointing to the buttons of Iscream's SAW Trap stay slightly longer.
Removed shadow underneath the trophy to fit in with other decorations.
Das it! Unless there's a new issue found or if there's anything else I want to add, this may be the only patch the demo receives.
I also want to thank you guys for the insane support this game is getting, seriously, it means so much! Things will only get more nuggity from here!
Also, little teaser for the collab with Playful Nights with Nuggit and Friends!