Levity Fleet Classic
1 year ago

Hey all, been a minute since the last real update to LF4. However, I had to fix another oversight, and this time it's the path to the final area. Initially, the game sent you to an unused area, but I chose to fix that mistake. Hope that helps things out.



Next up

Been a fat minute since I last updated this game, but I haven't forgotten it one bit. I finally got a logo made for this game, and it's lit. One that easily fits the cool factor of a superhero fighting game!

Hey all, long time no post? I've been very busy and have redone the whole engine of Diamond Dolls. I've make their main attack method be rolling, and while it's not much, it's a great gimmick that'll go a long way in a platformer!

Another update I haven't shown until now. Here's some tiles that could make it into Diamond Dolls, and they look fully 16 bit. They could make the game look much better than what tiles I had before.

Here's the new weapons for Levity Fleet 3, took a lot of imagination and planning to get them done. They'll be very strong and useful just like the others before.

These are prototype sketches of how the Proloid Scalpel looked during 2017. I could've worked on and finished Levity Fleet 1 during 2018, yet I felt conflicted feelings and was unsure of my future. Now there's four games for Levity Fleet, so much better!

Well I came to terms with it, I'm gonna make Levity Fleet 5 into a 16 bit game and with these kinds of sprites. I hope the game will be a much needed revival for the games as a whole, look forward to it.

These are the Proloids and Bordones from the first three games. Sure they look very simplistic, but they look so much better in 16 bit. A big step up from the 8 bit sprites that couldn't be seen well in dark backgrounds.

This might not be much of a step up from the earlier sprites, but this is Gallant given some 16 bit colors and shading along with more animation frames. I'm hoping that'll help make Levity Fleet 5 be slightly better, look forward to it.

With every video game comes a hero and a villain. Cable Doll's villain is gonna be named Boss Spite, and she's the second sprite on this sheet. Spite will be the main antagonist of Cable Doll, and her plan involves stealing energy.

These are the new villains planned for G-Edges, their alt-modes consist of animals, which you can easily tell by their armor features. The villains are fewer in number than the heroes, yet are much stronger, and they have powers comparable to them too.