The basic gist of it is this: I'm trying to make a mechanic where you type an ingredient (carrot, egg, etc.), I used an Edit Box that is off-screen and cannot be destroyed by going off frame, always focused, and a String that displays the text.
Pressing ENTER with the correct ingredient adds to a counter bar while pressing ENTER with the wrong ingredient (or any other word that isn't the ingredient) subtracts to said counter bar.
This works perfectly fine on specifically Windowed Mode, but when I try going into Fullscreen Mode and testing it, no matter which word I type, it'll always subtract to said counter bar.
I've tried breaking child events, setting a timer event that resets the text 1 millisecond after pressing ENTER, not resetting the text at all, etc.
I'm hoping to get some help on what's actually happening here, does the Edit Box and/or String conditions work weirdly on Fullscreen? What's happening?
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