As you know, Not Bear is coming out this Tuesday. In the trailer I promised the game to have 3+ Endings. While that is true, and all said routes are deep in the works, I have been feeling that one of the 3 endings, and the unrelated extras (hence the "+") might need some more polish and testing before release. This is to make sure that everything its route entails is relatively bug-proof, and taught to the player in a clear to understand manner. Especially in a game like Not Bear, and with a route like this, these touches and balancing can make the difference between a part that is as cool as the player as it is for me and a downright awful experience.
Now, I didn't want to delay the game's release any further because I already gave you guys teasers every day for the last 10 days, and as the game already has recieved it's fair share of delays. So I came up with a compromise.
Not Bear, will be released, as planned on the 13th with the livestream leading to it's countdown. The released version will contain 2 of the 3 unique routes and all the content within them, and on the 15th, I will release patch that adds the planned 3rd and final route. This will give me more time to fix and adjust that route and make sure it gets a closer amount of love and care to the rest of the game, and it'll still be out by the time most of you would have gotten to it anyways.
But what about the "+" I mentioned? This extra bit will require even more work to get fully working, but appears in a place in the game where it is really fitting to put a neat little lock and a countdown until a proper update. This update will hopefully come until the end of the month, with some additional bug-fixes and QOL additions that will probably accumulate from player feedback.
(Also, depending on how much hype Not Bear builds up, there may be a competition when this update releases . No promises though! )
1) Will my save-file be reset on the updates?
No. Not Bear stores it's data locally on your computer and all versions of it should refer to the same save-data. In other words, updating Not Bear will keep all your previous achievements, progress, etc.
2) So is the version coming out on the 13th of August a demo?
Not at all! This version contains the large majority of what the game has to offer, and it wouldn't even be far fetched to call the missing content "DLC" in it's spirit.
3) Why should I update to the post-release patch?
C o n t e n t. Even if this content is not a must, it changes and spices up quite a bit about the game. And will give you plenty of more madness to experience.
(Also, I heard there's some lore.)
4) Does this mean there'll be more stuff in the initial release or any of the patches?
As to Not Bear's initial release and the 3rd route patch, not for now. I'm trying to turn my workload into something managable. Not succumb to feature creep ^^'
As for the update at the end of the month, it really depends on whether or not things go according to plan. All I can promise is to try and put the extras I wanted. Once I'm done with that, we'll see if there's any loose corners that need fixing.
5) How will Not Bear's OST be affected by this?
Some of you might have guessed, but Not Bear has a pretty dope and extensive OST. In order to not spoil too much of the fun stuff waiting in the patch and the update, I'll only release to the game-page the portions of the OST that already exist in-game. The rest will have to wait (though it'll be worth it. Trust me).
And that's all for now! Hopefully things will go well and you'll have the crazy experience Not Bear has every right to be!
Have a good one, and I will see you very, very soon. :)
Next up
This is foreshadowing. You will not recieve any more context.
New Not Bear patch! This patch contains small bugfixes and tweaks (and is also available on the web version :0). Remember that updating your game won't remove any savedata! This was a wild ride, and I can't wait for you to see everything I left in here.
Hello everyone! Not Bear has been updated with a small patch that fixes some major bugs! I provided below a list of bugfixes and tweaks. Also, if you haven't figured by now, GAME'S OUT. Have fun! :)
1 Day left until Not Bear releases.
Adjusting Screen Guy's directions (3 Days until Not Bear releases)
It ain't a true holiday without some new unbearable things in town! Not Bear's new patch is here to fix and tweak parts the bravest of you are yet to discover. ..And other bugs. Have fun! (As per usual updating the game doesn't delete progress so go wild)
Fixing bugs... (4 Days until Not Bear releases)