Five Nights at Sunflower's: Recoded
8 months ago

Hey guys! Five Nights at Sunflower's Recoded: The Lore Event Update is FINALLY OUT! This update basically fixes and unbalanced and unforgiving mechanics in the previous update, while replacing it with a lot more interesting stuff! This update includes:

(If you like, you can wipe out your data once you play the game again, as there is new stuff involved in the whole game, the newspapers and cutscenes are still the same though)

1. Removed the panic meter, as people thought it was annoying and unfair to begin with, and causes too much trouble.

2. Brand new and remastered phone calls! This time, the main mechanics are explained straightforward that the player can understand.

3. The clock has been replaced with a PvZ-styled progress bar, and a final hour event will occur once the player reaches 7 AM. Players can hover over the progress bar to see their percentage towards on finishing the night. However, players can also toggle an in-game digital clock present in the office that can be toggled on and off in the main menu.

4. The power and usage bar has been reverted to its original Recoded state, since in my opinion, I felt like that battery indicator was just showing off a new stuff on the previous Lore Update while also improving it a bit, of course!

5. Special thanks to @AUSrStrike for beta testing the game, as he has told me some bug fixes and improvements I had to do in the update, for example, balancing out the number of flashes in each night!

6. The ARG lore towards this game is also slightly changed, making the passwords much harder to decipher. However, the QR codes shown are the same.

7. Changed my poster again to my Jax self for funsies (exacept my Blabbot self in the main five nights for the ARG). Try clicking on the poster, and you'll be surprised on what it'll say to you...

8. The most important integral to this update is, I introduce you, Sunflower Events! This replaces the panic meter, and yes! In later nights, various and challenging randomized events will occur in the nights, making it much harder to deal with certain characters, or even making it easier! These events are very interesting, as it changes the player's gameplay drastically in a temporary state. Beware, as there are more negative events than positive ones, so stay calm and stay alert! Good luck on handling these events!

9. Replaced Whack-a-Plant with a brand new mode, named Seedful of Events! As the name suggests, this mode is closely tied as to the Sunflower Events as I mentioned above. Oh well, you'll figure out the gameplay once you do it!

10. The codes presented between each night are only told to you via audio, so you have to listen for the code if you want to solve the ARG. It will only be repeated twice, so pay attention!

And that's it for this update! I hope this update is much fun and more fair than it was in the lore update! Thank ou very much for the patience for my return, and I will see you guys when I release teasers for Five Nights at (Sunflower's) Sylvester's 2: Aliens Attack!

Jax Lance, peace out!



Next up

Do I notice some differences here? Don't mind the Sunflower icon at the top-right, I'm pretty sure its nothing :)

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted here in a long time now, but to keep ya guys in check, here is a little Flappy Bird fangame I made in a day for you guys to play named Fly Bubble, Fly!

(Check article for more!)

I got nothing else to do, so I made this random meme template thing. (Guess the reference if you can!) What do you guys think? Lemme know in the comments below! Feel free to use it any meme you want, just credit me! ^^

I dont wanna spoil you guys that much for the update, but here's what the office looks now in the update! ^^

Some changes hehe-

Hope you guys have sweet nightmares with adorable looking faces of the FNaSf 2 Recoded! And its definitely not scary, right????


(I'm back guys, sorry for the EXTREMELY LONG wait, this is my only time for me to continue making games for now, since Im also doing stuff in DeviantArt. Dont worry, Ill try my best to keep you guys updated here, I promise!)

Well guys, something happened, and now, I am Jax! Yes, from The Amazing Digital Circus! (Read article for more info)

I know that I'm kinda late, but...

Meet Conehead Iris and Lance Seek! They will be the official characters to be appearing in FNaSf 2: Recoded!

You can freely put any theories for them in the comments below!

Here we are, folks! These are ALL of my OCs that I've used over the years of my game developing and drawing journey! (read article for more info)

Some more lore stuff... (This was a school project that the teacher told us to draw anything, so here. What do y'all think?) (Uploaded the image, whoops-)