The 1.1 update to BBQ quest is going along pretty well. Aside from me being a dirty cuck and not woking on it at all recently.
As for the actual content of the update. It will mostly be technical crap that makes the game a bit more than just mashing the same shit for every enemy. Because there are 2 main things that are being added in.
Weapon types. Know how all weapons are just there. Yeah they do more damage, but that’s boring. Now weapons are put into 6 different categories. Pistols, Shotguns, Melee, Rifles, smg’s, And Lasers. Some of them kinda mesh together due to me not being smart enough to fully think this out. But it adds a bit more depth into it. And some enemies have weakness/resistances to specific weapons, wich leads me into the next thing.
The Look ability. Yeah not very imaginative. And even less so when when the coding is exactly the same as every other RPGmaker game that has this ability. But anyways it’s a new skill the Kurt starts off with. It tells you a bit more about who you are fighting against. Along with fining out what weapons fucking RAPES them, or what ones hit like a wet dildo.