Hey guys I have Just release Another prequel to Mike and the Old fredbear Family Dinner, But If The Game gets good Feedback I will realise A Sequel, Comment any Game Bugs or Things that aren't right, I'd love it if you play it! https://gamejolt.com/games/Five-nights-At-Bonnie-and-Clydes-1/676691
Next up
It's been four months, In this time I stopped to enjoy my surroundings and others creations, but I've been practicing my skills.
I present to you,
Project Seno
(Early Sketch)
"Mindless Rings" Is a go, with only 2 days of using this engine that I have never before used, From scratch I have created a 2 leveled platformer, no tutorials, still in early development though. Goodbye scratch!
What do you think? Gonna create A Collection of all the games in the series, Can't be bothered to but the original game Time Dime on Gamejolt. Think i Might turn the Multiplayer mode into a war game, not sure, any ideas???
Hey Does anyone wanna create 2D art For my Latest Game 5 Nights of Faz Madness? The games currently a one man project and i am trying to expand to create a team to create this game, screenshots from current build above!
Rat Race Production Update
More Design for the title, And Upgraded Graphics so the Old Man is not blurry and the first level is more fun, Also A OST is in the works! Also, Animations are In the Works!
I was working on a scratch game about bonnie to be backstory for the game and after 2 of none stop coding I quit, but In that time I have learnt lots of things that will help Improve my current game and I can just reuse the models like these
Hi Im currently Working on A FNaF Fan game, (Like many) and wondered if anyone would like to help with the designs for characters? The game is 2D Heres a Screenshot to show the style Im going for,(I have changed the design of that door on the right?