3 years ago

"Mindless Rings" Is a go, with only 2 days of using this engine that I have never before used, From scratch I have created a 2 leveled platformer, no tutorials, still in early development though. Goodbye scratch!



Next up

Hi Im currently Working on A FNaF Fan game, (Like many) and wondered if anyone would like to help with the designs for characters? The game is 2D Heres a Screenshot to show the style Im going for,(I have changed the design of that door on the right?

I was working on a scratch game about bonnie to be backstory for the game and after 2 of none stop coding I quit, but In that time I have learnt lots of things that will help Improve my current game and I can just reuse the models like these

Hey Does anyone wanna create 2D art For my Latest Game 5 Nights of Faz Madness? The games currently a one man project and i am trying to expand to create a team to create this game, screenshots from current build above!

guys! what should i add here

i'm really struggling to add something else here

It's been four months, In this time I stopped to enjoy my surroundings and others creations, but I've been practicing my skills.

I present to you,

Project Seno

(Early Sketch)

The Pac is back with a little change in his design

Hey Does anyone wanna create 2D art For my Latest Game 5 Nights of Faz Madness? The games currently a one man project and i am trying to expand to create a team to create this game, screenshots from current build above!

So more Screenshot of My Game but I can't show many cause I don't want to give away key parts of the game.

Literally Out of the Blue I just realased A Prequel to my Current FNaF Fan Game,

Called Doggo In Space 57


Please go Play it I've spent lots and lot's of my free time putting effort into it and I will really appreciate you!