Ju'maze the Jag'zara
Video Game Summary by: Jahsier Jones
Ju'maze Saunima, is a Jag'zara who lives peacefully on a island named: Hush Horizon Ilse. As he does his normal fruit picking through the jungle he resides in, five dark mysterious figures arrive on the isle, spreading out across the four zone areas causing havoc. As Ju'maze has his fruits and a special possession taken from him, Ju’maze tries to get them back. On his journey to reclaim his stuff, Ju'maze explores through the four beautiful lands of Hush Horizon, taking out hostile minions, coming across many different friends and/or residers who help him out, and beating against four looney mythical beings: The Chaos Alley, and the small dark queen ruler behind the disarray. A Flittermouse, Zina Narooni, as she plans to not only take over the isle, but slowly the entire planet as a whole. But with faith, strength, and an aid boost from a few characters, Ju’maze manages to take down the bat/mouse queen and her four lackeys as the five flee into uncertainty. The isle is rid of all the minions, and the isle's inhabitants cheer and celebrate. Not just for the queen’s defeat, but for the brave, kind, and clumsy hero: Ju'maze Saunima the Jag'zara.