2 years ago

Hey Im looking for someone that does free five nights at freddys model commissions I need something modelled, if you can dm me here on gamejolt or on Discord my use is Malice Moon #1200, when you dm me I will show you the reference I have!

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wip The Greatest Show Unearthed!

I drew this It’s kinda inspired by art from the freddy files ultimate edition original version made by LadyFiszi!

Endoskeleton (3D view in article)

Freddy Fazbears Fun Place

Is Birfday!

Abandoned Endoskeleton

Classic Shadow in 3 Dimensions!

Hey guys I have joined a friends fangame and heres a little tease for it BTW we could really use devs link to the game in comments if you want to check it out if you want to be a dev in the game contact the creator on discord at MysterTotek#4033