Hey and hello!
It's sunday again! I welcome you to a new dev update. Soo.. What happened this week?
It's better to work with good feedback, so I gave the battle system of Crystals Of Irm to a few selected people for testing. I noticed a few things that I will improve in the coming week. Once these changes are in place, I'll put a limited time version of the Battle System online to gather more feedback. I will announce everything else next week in the dev update.
What else happened. I wrote a script for the demo and am now in the middle of implementing it! Thereby I stumbled across this great tool, which can be used to create wonderful maps. Check it out at inkarnate.com. Such tools always help me immensely to visualize my ideas quickly and easily. Of course, the style is not the same as Crystals Of Irm, but it's still incredibly helpful.
Doesn't this just look great and it's so easy to use.
This is not a sponsored post, I'm just happy that there are such good tools out there!
By the way, the script for the demo can be downloaded from Ko-Fi next week, and I will try to make Ko-Fi more appealing for supporters!
That's it for this week, more content is on the way!
Stay healthy and see you next week
LotsOfStuff // David