Maybe you've already heard about it, and if you haven't, no panic, because you're about to be informed. And here it comes, the big announcement. Crystals Of Irm now has a publisher, yes you read that right! And not just any publisher, Deck13 Spotlight will publish Crystals Of Irm. Yes, you read that right too. The Deck13 Spotlight known for great games like Chained Echoes or CrossCode. What an honor that Crystals Of Irm is now officially part of this great portfolio.
For me personally this is a huge step and the support from Deck 13 Spotlight will definitely have a positive impact on the game. Actually, it already does and I'm looking forward to everything to come.
Besides this terrific news, a lot has happened in the game again, of course, and I've often used the phrase "... it's growing up!" in recent weeks. Which best sums up what's been happening.
The levels of the different dungeons are slowly taking shape. While in the green dungeon you have to walk through winding and overgrown corridors, in the red dungeon you have to be careful not to fall from the narrow paths directly into the fire in the abyss. In the blue dungeon, however, something seems to have gone wrong and some rooms are completely under water? What's that all about and how do you get through it?

Maybe a bit dryer info - but I created the base so that Crystals Of Irm can come out in different languages and I can integrate them into the game. I also worked out the workflow how to get the different quests and stories into the game. From paper into the game, so to speak.
The BattleSystem also got an important update, which helps me to spawn a lot more projectiles and provide them with interesting movements. But see for yourself

And that's it with the post for today! Keep your eyes open for more posts, otherwise feel free to check out the old ones and don't forget to tell everyone to click the Wishlist button on the Crystals Of Irm Steam page.
See you next time