It turns out making a Pokemon Engine is a lot more work than expected.
I am not however abandoning the project! It's been a deeply humbling and teaching experience, so... I've put it aside for now as I figure things out.
My life has gotten a bit hectic lately, and so has my work. I keep on learning new things and as I go, I realize that what I did for this project isn't great and probably should be overhauled. It's a bit depressing because it feels like I worked for nothing, but it's the truth of the matter.
Because of that, I've decided to pause the development of Pokemon Eclipse while I hone my skills on smaller, easier projects. I have every intention of returning someday but can't promise it'll be any time soon.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's been following and giving me feedback, and I hope I can bring you a great game someday