5 months ago

Hey, this post will contain a lot of text. Just a heads up, as i wanted to discuss a few things that may, or may have not come to the concern of those that follow my account. That includes my friends

First, i wanna start off with my posting.

If you see me not posting much/posting rarely. Do not fret, i simply don't have ideas for posts, and i don't want to do spam posts, with just text, and nothing else (no offense for anyone that does this). And i also don't want to post just memes on my account (also no offense to people that do that).

I don't want to post JUST memes on my account, as i feel that this trend has been milked to the last drop, In my personal opinion. As such, i don't want to follow it, and i'm looking for something more interesting to post

And second matter i wanted to discuss

A lot of my followers and friends, have yet to see my presence, or activity, on their accounts. That includes posts, comments, shouts, and etc.

The thought that those that follow me, or my friends, feel ignored by me, or even hurt by my perceived ignorance, hurts me in return. I don't want to make anyone sad. It's just that i have a lot of both, and i don't have the time to keep up with everyone that follows me, or is my friend.

Keep the following in mind, anyone that sees this, that is my follower or a friend:

I'm not ignoring you, i have a lot on my metaphoric plate daily, and i don't have the time to keep up, and support every one of my friends and followers.

I care about nearly everyone that is my follower, or my friend. I don't demand that you, to put it rudely, "deal with it". No, i ask for understanding. Whenever i'm able, i try to show support to at least some of my followers/friends.

If you are a friend of mine, you are welcome to message me 24/7. I spent a lot of my time on my pc, or phone, so please, don't feel afraid to message me.

This may seem like an innaproriate moment to mention this, and i apologize if i come out sounding like an asshole. It is not my intention. Unless i know you, i will not accept a friend request from you. It is nothing personal, i just don't want my friends list to be filled with randoms i have no knowledge about. This is also to avoid potential dramas i may be pulled into, because of that.

That's all i had to say. Thank you to everyone that is following me, or in other ways, supporting me. Or those that at least bothered to read this essay in terms of word count. I appreciate your presence, and wish ya'll a good day/night

