Share your creations!

just going to say this. we have hate crimes commited against us on the daily. we are denied healthcare and benefits that cis straight people get. we have our spaces invaded and shot up. Pride is necessary
I'm not gonna ask who let you into our community, anyways welcome
You are expected to post content that includes gators (that is a requirement on every channel except on memes, general and random) not following above rule will result in a banishment from this community.
And as always be nice and respectful to each other we don't want to lose such community don't we?
Oh and do remember none of the members of this community can be held responsible for any trauma, damages or injuries, that includes nightmares about gators (or any of our members) , loss of limbs, organs, life and etc. from gators (or members of community) and property damage (done by either gators or community members).