4 years ago

Hi! Welcome to the "We Don't Cry" game's community!

Official Website (Social media links included): https://wedontcry.boredalchemist.com/

Support us on Kickstarter (Don't miss the limited and unique perks that we prepared for you!):




Next up

Happy national videogame day!

If everything goes as planned, we are planning to start the Kickstarter campaign at the end of the month before October! 

Subscribe so you don't miss the limited perks that we prepared for you:


Greetings! There is a new function for in-game inventory! Backpack! It helps you to show/hide inventory so that it doesn't bother you in the middle of fights!

Major Content Update!

* Upgradable resources & infestation guards

* Collective food and water (daily use)

* Upgradable doors

* Sell your stuff to merchants

* Daily rent (mercenaries)

* NPCs can patrol the area



In the new update of the game (v 0.0.4), you can upgrade the resources to increase their health and output.

The new radio mechanic is out! Search for a signal so you can contact others.

Free demo & Subscribe - official website (Social media links included): https://wedontcry.boredalchemist.com/

Kickstarter (Don't miss the limited and unique perks!):


Hi! From now on you have to pay attention to the amount of stored food and water. Each person consumes one food and water per day to survive, also, some will be spent on resources.

Don't miss the Kickstarter campaign!

Subscribe on https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bored-alchemist/we-dont-cry so you don't miss the limited and unique perks that we prepared for you!

New dialog system!

Download and play free demo from https://www.wedontcry.boredalchemist.com/!

Our https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bored-alchemist/we-dont-cry pre-launch page is up! Check it out! Don't lose limited special perks that we prepared for early backers!! Sign up to be the first to be notified!

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend