So, I’ve finally finished the trophies system. It works perfectly now, getting the descriptions and stuff like that for different trophies works, the HUD works fine (left/right arrows for viewing different trophies etc). All I need now is to get a new sprite for the HUD, where it’ll actually have an “ACHIEVEMENTS” title and have a giant trophy sculpted on top of it. If you’d like to help, you’re welcome.
Also, we’re not sure how we should do the pop-up that goes “ZOMG GRATZ!” - maybe a simple one for now, but something epic for later versions of the game? Maybe something along the lines of getting a mail and reading it, telling you’ve just won <achievement reward here> because someone caught you on camera doing <achievement description here>? Mebbeh…
Now, about the hidden areas. For now, they’re pretty easy to find, just because of testing purposes. I’ve made it so once you enter a hidden area, the tiles that hide it turn into semi-transparent tiles (changing their alpha values to 0.5), and once you leave the hidden area, their alpha values return to normal. I’m not sure if I should make really complex systems, like push a button, hurry up you have 10 seconds before the door closes, once you’re in dodge some arrows without getting decapitated, grab the treasure thing, run out, dodge the giant boulder that was about to omlette you, oh and the ground below you is turning into dust - auf wiedersehen!
Our reason is because we’d like to keep the game simple: nothing too complex, but still, not too simple. There WILL be some pretty tough stuff, but not difficult enough so the game earns a “MegaRogue” award.
Oh, about that video, yeah… uh… I’m working on it :)