Hello everyone,
As you probably know, this game will be changing to a new title since a similar trademark is already in use. Previously, it was called “Twin Moon Galaxy”. At first, I wasn’t very happy about the idea of changing the title of the game, but after thinking about it and planning for the change, I’ve realized that overall it is a positive thing.
So why was it called Twin Moon Galaxy in the first place? The game was actually a remake of a few games I made in the past. I first got into game development in 2007 when I started making Flash games. I started planning a story and came up with a random title which was Twin Moon Galaxy. However, since I didn’t know much about game development I decided to just make a small game in that world.

The game was called Escape from the THK58, a point and click adventure game in which you have to escape from a spaceship. The following year, I started getting better at programming games, so I made a followup to the game which was called… Return to the THK58.

This time the game also included combat! By that time, I was ready to work on something closer to my original vision. In 2009 I decided to tell the story of Return to the THK58 from the point of view of another character as an RPG. Titled “Twin Moon Galaxy: THK58”, it was the first time the name of the series was used in the title of a game.

At this point, there were already some elements of the series’ story that I didn’t really like. I worked on a few unrelated games and then in 2011 I decided to make another game in the Twin Moon Galaxy series. This time, I went back to the roots of the series and made another point and click game. This one was called Twin Moon Galaxy: Escape the GCA Lab.

Escape the GCA Lab was meant to be a prequel of the original Escape from the THK58, but the story was starting to become way too confusing. I had some interesting ideas, but I obviously hadn’t organized them correctly within the 4 games.
In 2015, as I moved away from Flash games, I decided to make a single game to tell the entire story of Twin Moon Galaxy. However, by making it a “remake” which would retell and expand upon the previous stories, I imposed constraints on myself. Even though I could easily change any part of the story, I kept trying to make the new game fit with the previous games. And as the months and years went by, there continued to be parts of the game that I didn’t really like. I only kept those parts in because they would match with the previous 4 games in the series.

And that’s when the trademark issue happened. At first I wasn’t happy about having to potentially rename the game, but now I feel like it’s a good thing. With the new title, I have removed the constraints I had imposed on myself. I have already started going over the entire story of the game. The overall story will remain the same, but there are certain parts that will be changed and improved.

Twin Moon Galaxy never really related with anything in the game. It was just a title I thought up randomly more than a decade ago. I still haven’t decided on the new title, but this time it will be a title that relates with the story of the game. (I’ve also started looking into trademark registrations to avoid any future issues!)