2 years ago

History of the Tophat Empire (Repost because community)

The Tophat Empire originally was actually a society before becoming an empire. The Tophat Society was founded by Sir Alex Fanciest Pants FNF and Lord Richard Wad Human on November 18 of 2021 when they went on tour on a wooden boat and crashed onto previously uncharted lands and decided to make a new country. Alex suggested it should be named FNF Land after his maiden name. Richard suggested it should be named Human Land after his maiden name. Eventually, they decided to name their country Tophat Land because they both had top hats. Alex's mom and dad moved into Tophat Land and invited all of their friends. Alex and Human did the same and eventually, a whole society was started. Human and Alex fought for ruler of the society for an entire day until Alex threatened to commission Shadman to make porn of Human and Alex officially became president of the Tophat Land Nation. Human would become Vice President and Alex's mom and dad would become... actually, no one knows. They just were in power in some way and GF was the main birth mother of the island cause about 99% of new babies so I guess Alex just needed his mom and dad in power. Oh yeah GF kinda cheated on BF because some of her babies genes don't have BF's genes and sometimes, they had blue hair but no DNA tests had BF's DNA in it so I guess some people had some fun with GF. To get backed at GF, BF kinda turned into a femboy and got fucked multiple times so yeah, just ignore all of this information because this isn't important for the main timeline. So anyways, on November 18, 2021, some guys with some gals came to Alex and said "Hey, we would like to get into positions of power and in return, we will give you a big army". Alex said ok and thats how the other collaborators on the Tophat-Society or the collaborator council came to be. Eventually, the outside world learned about Tophat Land and some of the islands that weren't inhabited by the Tophat people were claimed by other countries such as America, Canada, England, and France. Of course, being surrounded by strong countries while you are still starting out gives you a big disadvantage of being easily conquerable so Human ordered the creation of an official border around the main Tophat Land island. Using the new metal type called Dietznutsillous discovered by Alex when he was going on a 2 day vacation and he wanted to make a new resort for the people living in Tophat Land. After a day, the wall was officially built. Of course, building a wall to keep the other people out only makes people want to see what is in the walls so some people tried climbing the walls to see what is inside. Of course, you don't want your city to be overrun by invaders so Alex ordered the police to arrest anyone who climbed over the wall. Of course, people don't like when a government cracks down on people so Alex called the first council meeting and they all decided that the only way to stop the outsiders coming in was to...

A: Allow the outsiders in

B: Require the outsiders to have a passport to enter the republic

C: Take the outsiders land and force them to go somewhere else

If you chose C, your wrong, it was...

D: Kill all of the outsiders and take their land

Because all of their land was just taken by the Tophat Army, the countries were angry and they wanted their stolen land back. Alex told the countries to suck on chinese nuts so the UN declared Tophat Land to be illegal and should immediately be destroyed. Because of this, Alex and Human led the army to invade England and America (Alex is from America and wanted to see England fall under his rule but Richard is from England and wanted America to fall first) and won. This was a surprise to the rest of the world as a small nation had conquered two big nations at once which had never happened before. Because of this new land, the Tophat Army had grown in size due to the Society taking the remaining troops from what once was the biggest empires now turned to rubble and mind controlled the soldiers. Of course if we told how we mind controlled the soldiers, the other countries not under the empires rule might copy the design and mind control their war prisoners. The population also increased but some of the population had rioted so Alex and Human had to put down the rebels. They then decided to invade Cuba and France and Canada all at the same time and of course, the Tophat Army won. At this time, some of the countries not under Tophat rule referred to the society as an empire and it got to Alex's head that calling himself a president would give the impression that the people could vote for the rulers so Alex renamed himself from president to Emperor. Human became the co-emperor and Alex's mom and dad still had a position of power that we don't even know how to describe it right now so lets just say they have power. Of course, you need an heir to succeed you when you die so Alex clones himself and calls his clone "Alex JR". At the second council meeting, the empire had the great idea of invading the world superpowers and they actually succeed. India will have to wait before all of it is conquered and Italy is kinda good so General Dikinbaus ordered a atomic bomb be dropped on Italy. It turns out, atomic bombs have radiation so most of his men died of cancer so he was fired. Emperor Alex moved the capital of Tophat Land to a palace built for him in the middle of Top Land. Human also got his own palace. Alex then decided to invade the remaining countries not in Tophat control but after conquering Japan, Human convinced him to calm down and build a giant, long wall so they did in 2 days. The empire flourished and is still flourishing today. The empire now focused on advanced tech and the empire basically replaced the National Space Station with many other space stations and the first colony on mars was established. Things were looking good... until the death of Emperor Alex Fanciest Pants FNF. No one knows why he died but modern technology suggests his wounds from the many wars he waged had caught up to him. After his death, his mother took charge of the empire and Human had retired to a life of luxury in his palace. BF replaced Human and a new council was made and the members were the people that had fucked GF and basically helped raise the population of the Tophat Empire. This new council has all futa's but don't take it as prove the person making this has some fetish about GF getting fucked by futa's because that's just not true. GF renamed co-emperor to femboy so BF is officially the femboy of the Empire. Alex JR became prince even though he was supposed to be next in line meaning he was supposed to become emperor. GF had also put all of her recent children in the succession line after her and that's the Tophat Empire lore currently.



Next up

You know what, I change my mind.

Im gonna bring it back rn and try to finish it tonight or tomorrow (or even later if I somehow don't get it done today or tomorrow)

Corrupted AlexFancyPants

Elon Musk after his robot girlfriend short-circuits while having sex and his penis get electrocuted:

AlexFancyPants sings Young Girl A (AI Cover)

NVM happy birthday FNAF 3

Ten minutes remain

I hope this works

Alexfancypants fans on Nov 3, 2023, after clicking on my most recently released videos: