Hey, everyone!
I’m here! I’m not dead!
So, I found that a Youtuber that goes by the name of Unmedicated & Dysfunctional has played my game and it has acted as something I really needed. Feedback. Therefore, I’ll be acting on the reactions and such as I work on the new levels. They’re coming by the way (hopefully)
Oh also - big thanks to Unmedicated & Dysfunctional!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhlxvY64lnM
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVykYhKkOLuIKVr7F0b1npg
Anyways, I’d like to say thanks, I’m not dead, levels are coming and talking about levels, here is a sneak peek at the choices of level 3.
Enter Door
This may not sound very interesting, but this marks the start of the first choice that will branch the story in some way. (However, if all goes to plan, you will end up in the same place.)
^ Unmedicated & Dysfunctional
^ MattieMonster2 - my channel. Dev updates here?