3 days ago

holy shit
why is someone with THAT many followers following ME
what did i do right or wrong



Next up

Uh... Why is this guy here already? #owas2 https://gamejolt.com/games/owas2/937128

If my little guy was a stereotypical EXE character.

Got the app just to find out I have more followers now!

oh mah gahd i have followers

Just found these Turbowarp extensions. Things are gonna get interesting.

Why do people keep following my account? I'm barely even doing anything!

I made ONE draft for a game that I only put on here because Scratch's servers were acting up. Now the 'GMR' on my account has been changed to 'Dev'... Well, dev updates for One Week at Sundae's 2 coming soon, I guess.

Custom Night Ending. Not even joking, I'm putting the Night 7 Ending Screen up here because I need something to post.

I exist on different websites too! https://scratch.mit.edu/users/JoulsTube-Coding/ https://www.youtube.com/@joulstube1987 https://joulstube.itch.io/

Maybe check them out for more content. (My Scratch account has the most stuff.)

but i have no friends