5 days ago

Why do people keep following my account? I'm barely even doing anything!

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Got the app just to find out I have more followers now!

I exist on different websites too! https://scratch.mit.edu/users/JoulsTube-Coding/ https://www.youtube.com/@joulstube1987 https://joulstube.itch.io/

Maybe check them out for more content. (My Scratch account has the most stuff.)

Just found these Turbowarp extensions. Things are gonna get interesting.

Custom Night Ending. Not even joking, I'm putting the Night 7 Ending Screen up here because I need something to post.

I made ONE draft for a game that I only put on here because Scratch's servers were acting up. Now the 'GMR' on my account has been changed to 'Dev'... Well, dev updates for One Week at Sundae's 2 coming soon, I guess.

holy shit why is someone with THAT many followers following ME what did i do right or wrong

but i have no friends

oh mah gahd i have followers

If my little guy was a stereotypical EXE character.

Uh... Why is this guy here already? #owas2 https://gamejolt.com/games/owas2/937128