Undertale: Heartbroken

11 months ago

Hoo boy we be makin progress

I got the enemy attack ai to function properly, so now, depending on a few inputs from the engine's user, enemies will attack based on what other enemies are doing (Ex. A froggit attacks with a bone from the left, and another froggit attacks from the right, BECAUSE their are two froggits using the same attack).



Next up

"Good enough"

Fixing the layering here is gonna be a nightmare lol

totally not a jumpscare lol

Blue Devils 2024: The Romantics

(Pokemon Theme)

noelle joined

Thing for some other thing

mb about the bad audio quality, my computer was rattling lol

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

I was bored so I made a derpy paper airplane. Think of it as the goofy UT: Heartbroken version of tsunderplane lol

The math is still mathing.



Battle engine works, yippee!!

Spoiler sprite lol