
6 years ago

HorrorVale Needs YOU!

Hi everyone! The HorrorVale demo has been out for around a month now and we’ve had so much fun reading and watching your reactions to the world we’ve created. It’s been so rewarding seeing smiles on faces while people have played through a game we’ve poured tonnes and tonnes of love into. Between all the sites we have it available on, we’ve amassed 436 downloads! As well as that, we’ve received a huge amount of wonderful comments and feedback which has been encouraging for us both.

We’re two thirds through October now, prime spook season, but we’d love for even more people to get their hands on the demo before the month is over. Moving forward, we’re planning to fund the rest of development through small regular pledges rather than a short campaign like a Kickstarter. At the moment, our prime candidate for funding is Patreon, though we’re still exploring other avenues. We feel that a Patreon-style funding system allows us to connect with you more than something like a Kickstarter allows. Rather than focusing all our efforts into one make-or-break month, we’d like to let those who love HorrorVale support us over a longer period of time with smaller pledges under the banner “Club HorrorVale”. We’ve got lots of fun ideas for rewards, including both physical and digital goodies, so we’re really excited to get the show on the road.

However, after keeping a close eye on our analytics, the demo just isn’t drawing enough attention for us to launch a successful funding campaign just yet. This is why we’re reaching out to you for help! If you’ve played the demo and would like to see the rest of the game completed, you can lend your assistance by doing any of the following:

  1. Sharing the demo with friends or via social media

  2. Streaming or recording a playthrough of the demo

  3. Creating fanart

  4. Retweeting and sharing official posts on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook

All of the above contributes towards getting the word out there. With October drawing to a close, our Halloween themed window is quickly closing. If you loved HorrorVale as much as we loved making it, please take a moment to get the word out! Once we see more of an audience develop, we’ll take further steps toward a long term crowdfunding campaign to complete the rest of the game. We have 4 chapters planned in total and what’s playable in the demo is around half of the first chapter. So at a rough estimate, the full game will be 8 times the size of the demo! (Of course there will be secret areas to discover, but that’s just between you and me.)

The fate of HorrorVale hangs in the balance and only you can tip the scales in its favour!

Much love,

Dustin & Matt



Next up

November-December 2023 Progress Report

HorrorVale - Launch Trailer Releasing October 1st, 2024!!!

-REMINDER- HorrorVale's Release Incoming!

-Town Notice-

Your Date of Death Has Been Decided...

March 2023 Progress Report - The End Of Reports?

May-June-July 2023 Progress Report - Not The Final Report

September-October 2023 Progress Report: Curtains Fall

January-April 2024 Progress Report

Want to chat with HorrorVale fans and developers when the game releases or do some last minute speculation? Join the 400+ official HorrorVale Discord: