6 years ago

HorrorVale Official Demo Walkthrough Part 1: Skeleton Manor


Welcome to the Official HorrorVale Demo Walkthrough!

For those having trouble, or just want to breeze through and enjoy the story, this walk-through is for you!

A) Getting Started

Once you boot up the game, you’ll immediately find yourself at the title screen. Assuming you’ve never played before, select “New Game” to begin.

After a few cutscenes, you’ll find yourself in Alice’s Bedroom. Using the arrow keys to move around, use the Z key to examine things for humorous dialogue. Pick up the Bottle of Flu on Alice’s table, as it’s a healing item you can use later. If you choose, you may use Alice’s bed to save. Don’t forget that you can also use the X key to open up your menu.

B) The Tutorial (Skeleton Manor)

Head out of Alice’s room by going south. To the left of the hallway you’ll find a bookshelf containing the game manual that will explain how battles work. I recommend checking this out.

Once you leave the hallway, you should know that your main objective is to leave the manor, but your Dad has locked you out! In order to escape, you’ll need to find FOUR House Keys. These will be found in various places throughout the house. For now, head on up to the first two doors you see to talk to some NPCs and collect some Candy (HorrorVale’s currency).
Heading straight right from the hall you started in you’ll find an identical hall with two more bedrooms. One contains an item, while the other contains a puzzle required to obtain the first House Key.

Puzzle 1: The Chests
In the room you’ll find four chests. The idea is to open the chests in the correct order in order to open the final chest and obtain the key. If you fail, you’ll receive tiny damage and have to start over.
You can either solve this with trial and error, or see the solution below:


Exit the room and go back into the main hall with the stairs. Go down the stairs and you should see your Undog, Scruffy. Talking to him will allow him to join your party.

Now at the bottom of the staircase you should see four doors, and at the very bottom the exit. For now let’s head to the bottom west door. This will bring you to the garage. The Pot to the north will give you a hint, but basically the next Key is in the car.

Puzzle 2: The Hearse
In order to get into the Hearse and collect the second key, you’ll first have to unlock it. Leave the garage and head back into the main room and search to the left of the exit. You should see a pair of keys hanging on the wall (NOT on the Floor). Pick them up and return to the garage, then attempt to open the backdoor for the Second House Key!

Leave the Garage again, and this time head straight east to the opposite room. Welcome to the study, where your third key is hidden…

Puzzle 3: The Study
You can either examine the books for goofy text, or investigate the shiny spot to the north. Doing so will grant you the Third House Key!

Now leave the study, and head north into the first door you see. Both northern doors in the Main Hall will lead to another hall on the bottom floor. To the right you’ll find a bathroom and the dining room. Investigating these may yield some nifty items. To the left you’ll find the Kitchen and the Broom Closet.

Puzzle 4: The Stubborn Ghost
The final House Key is in the Broom Closet at the end of the hall, but a Stubborn Ghost is blocking the way! You can attempt to fight the Ghost, but beware, he is Invulnerable. The only way to stop him is to go next door into the Kitchen and pick up some Purifying Salt on the counter. Using this will exorcise him so you can freely pick up the Final House Key!

Now that you have all four house keys, it’s recommended to head to your bedroom on the second floor and save at your bed. This will also heal you!

Attempt to exit the house, and you’ll encounter a powerful foe…

Use all the abilities and items you have to your advantage here. With Scruffy, you should have no issue dispatching him. You may now exit the house and enter the town of HorrorVale!



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