
6 years ago

HorrorVale Official Demo Walkthrough Part 2: The Town of HorrorVale

Link to Part 1:

A) Exploring the town

After finally exiting Alice’s house, you’ll find yourself in her yard. There’s not a whole lot to do here, but it’s worth exploring for some goodies and examine text.
After you’re ready, go downwards and then continue to the East.

Here you’ll arrive at the HorrorVale Main Square.
There’s lots of characters to talk to, as well as a small tent where you can buy recovery items if needed.
You’ll find yourself unable to continue north, so for now just head further East.

After you reach the East Gate, continue heading towards the end and watch the cut-scene unfold.
If you head back to the main square, you’ll find that the way North is now open.
Head up there and you’ll encounter a battle. This fight isn’t too tough, but the enemy can lower your ATK so it’s best to go all out with your magic.
Further North you’ll find yourself at a Fork in the road. For now, let’s take the East path.
This will take you to HorrorVale High. Alice’s original destination, but it now seems to be closed down for some reason.

B) Plight of a Nerd

Regardless, talk to the students and you’ll meet Jekyll, who will give you the first Sidequest in the game.
He’s looking for something important and says he’ll help you if you help him.
Speak to the other students for clues, and then head back to the fork.
This time, head West to enter North Avenue.
Speak to the NPCs here, and you’ll find more clues about the whereabouts of Jekyll’s items.
To continue the Sidequest from here you’ll need at least 100 Candy.
If you have the Candy, continue reading further or skip to the next section.
Heading East of North Avenue will bring you to Boo Boulevard. Here, a shady figure will sell you the information you need in exchange for 100 Candy. Give him the Candy, and then return to North Avenue and go to the West.
This will take you to an Abandoned Shack.
There’s a Generator here as well as a Save spot. Turn off the Generator. This will be important for later.
Using the lockpick the shady figure earlier gave you, enter the shack and obtain the item.
Once you attempt to leave you’ll have to fight an enemy.
This enemy can buff itself for massive damage, so it’s recommended to dispatch it as quickly as possible.
Now, watch the cutscene unfold and you’ll be able to recruit Jekyll to your party!

C) Tale of a Fearleader
Going north of North Avenue, you’ll enter the area surrounding the Church of Death.
Once again, there’s 3 more pathways for you to explore.
First and foremost let’s take the Northmost one.
This is where you need to go to advance the story, but you’ll find ELECTRIC GATES blocking your way.
As the Guard explains, these gates are powered by Generators scattered throughout town.
If you skipped the previous section, head back to North Avenue, then West, and then turn off the first Generator.
If you’ve already done this, then go back to the Church of Death and speak to the Mummy Girl, Wraps by the Church. Like Jekyll, she’s also lost something important to her.
You’ll find her item near the Church itself in a uniquely colored grave.
Once you return it to her, you’ll have the option to recruit her as well!

D) Car Trashing
Now that you’ve got Wraps and Jekyll (Or just Wraps), go East of the Church of Death to enter Shiver Street. Head to the end of it and throw the rock on the bridge at the Generator, then go back to North Avenue.

E) Mark Murdering
Once at North Avenue, go east to where you met the shady guy. You’ll notice an INN right next to him with an open door. Head inside, then ascend the elevator.
Be careful, because once you turn off the Generator at the top, a powerful enemy will fight you.
This enemy has low HP, but can do incredibly high damage. As such, it’s best to fight him with more than one party member or if you’re prepared.

Now that you’ve turned off 3 Generators, there’s one more to go.
Return to the Church of Death, and this time head to the West to enter Lugosi Lane. South of Lugosi Lane is a path that leads to your next major destination, the Forgotten Mansion…

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