Hostile Regulation + Remake Concept (Sinister)
5 years ago

Hostile Regulation and the Future of my Career

Thank you all for the support over the last three years with both this game and the remake. I am actually happy to announce that I will no longer be working on Hostile Regulation Sinister and will be leaving it as a concept game for what a definitive version of Hostile Regulation could look like. That is what this is, the definitive version, even though it won't be finished.

I have thought about it and talked it over with several people and the story I have created here for the remake and its two planned sequels were way too big to tell in a trilogy series. (I would like to make note that after the third game, that would've been it. Done with the series.) But in order to tell this expansive story, I have decided to write a three-part novel series with each book going by the same story that Sinister and the two sequels would've played out.

These books will take time as I want to get every detail in and make sure that the entire story is told seamlessly. In order to do this, these novels will contain short stories for events not covered in the main stories, and explanation guides to cover subjects that can not be written into the story and make sense. Kind of like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy if anyone here has read that.

As for my career as a game designer, I will be taking a lot more time to make them as I want to perfect them to the best that they can be and when it comes to my games, I will never make a story as complicated and expansive as I did for Hostile Regulation as I want to focus way more on the gameplay aspect. As of now, I am working a smaller game for you guys to have fun with called 10 Towers, it will be a fast-paced puzzle game which I'm sure a lot of you will enjoy. If you wish to learn more about that, here is the game page -

Now for something I'm really excited to announce! With Blender 3D and it's new eevee engine, I have been able to create way better renders with higher quality in less amount of time. It's what I am using to create 10 Towers. The renders are way quicker and easier, so now I can try my hand at animation. I've always been pretty decent when it comes to animation and now with this new engine, I will be able to work on my own short films and animations. I already have a few ideas in store that I can't wait for you guys to see!

I will be moving Hostile Regulation Sinister and all of its content over to the 2017 version Hostile Regulation page so people can still play it when I delete the Sinister game page in a few days. I still consider Sinister the definitive version of the story and it will be the story worked into the novels.

Once again, thank you all! I will be back with more news soon!



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Time to work!

A model from Hostile: Kingdom, coming 2024.

The Goblin.

The Office

Just for Fun

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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