Baldi’s Basics Item Insanity Series: The First School
7 months ago

How the items will work are in the article

Stinky Cheese

The player can carry the cheese around and the characters will stay away from you, because of how smelly the cheese is. When the bar lowers down, it means you also got tired of the smell too. You then eat it and it recharged your stamina up to 100%


A shrink Ray that can shrink characters and make them small and unintractable and unaffective. The shrinking only lasts for a short while, so they will eventually go back to normal size. Keep in mind that the shrink ray has limited uses. So use them wisely. Also, don't ask why it has such a weird name!

Ice Trap

Can be used to trap characters and make them frozen on the stop for a short while. Place it on the ground and they will freeze.

Stop Sign

Can be used like the yellow door lock, but you can place it anywhere. You can use it to block off any hallway, classroom or faculty room.

Water Bucket

If you use this anywhere around the school, it can make people slip to one side of any hallway or any other part of the school. Just make sure Gotta Sweep doesn’t clean it up.


Can be used to stun characters for a short period of time. The gun however only has one bullet sadly. So use it wisely.

Pineapple Coconut Cupcake

Can be eaten to restore your stamina, but not all the way.

Coconut Gun

Works like the Bsoda, but more epic. If you manage to find coconuts around the place. You can fire a coconut out of the coconut gun to push someone to one side of the school. Make sure to aim carefully.

Portable Radio

It can be used to block off any noise on any character (including yourself). You can turn it off at any time to save the battery. Because as soon as the battery reaches 0%, you can no longer use it

Mini Ztar

This is the item you don’t want! This item is obtainable in the Crazy Item Vending Machine. If you insert a quarter and you get that, it’ll disappear after a whole second and then lower your vision for a short while.



Next up

Aaron Sports Buds


Baldi's Basics In CHAOS

made by:

@Nick_CornWall and @TheTopHattedStickman

The Grimace Milkshake is finally in England, only for Christmas celebrations.

Help Wanted!!

VilleTown is currently looking for coders, voice actors, and musicians! So if you are somewhat skilled at any of those, please leave a comment, or DM me on discord! (ckd4925_)

the image is more descriptive than this, so please read it!


(That is my costume btw. I wear it to look good in the spirit.)

We’re going back in time to 1992 to help Sega fix the Sega Saturn!

been a while since i've posted so have this

It’s the book.