Friday Night Funkin' VS Egor
8 months ago


seems like i'm the only one who's keeping this page alive

well uhh we haven't been working on shit lately

but dw i'll try to get everything together.

Also feel free to make fanart for this mod as there will PROBABLY have a gallery.

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Next up

since it's almost exam time and instead of studying it's

MoB 31/10 Progress Report time!!! [ jeez haven't done them in 4 months. ]

just realised my spawnday is coming in 4 months and i gotta cook up something for untitled fast for the one that cares about it

newest idle are finished

Pixel stuff

Guys... I think we're gonna make a change to my mod just to be a better one.

smokin bf

i really feel like hypign up exe untitled but nobody is gonna give a shit and i don't have anything to show asides from writing

Naisonji !

hahahahahajkdhfjkdhg i can't understand my own code