Comments (69)
surprised? My only good creation
sorry guys we are still working on my mod so... u better still wait longer
If you need something for the mod i can help you uwu!
keep up the good work!
May I be able to help on icons
Game Soundtrack
Electric [NEW]
howdy ring here so uhh this gamepage is ababondond but we're still cooking with SpeedVolt Fuckin' Funkin', the new and improved vs egor mod.
The gamepage for it is still not done so be patient
anyways bye i'm gonna go back to my trashcan
Ring dude
This mod contains danger notes and heal notes!
this mod made by @Egor_The_Electric_Human1991
So If U Playing The Mod Just Don't Skip The Cutscenes If U Press A Week
Eventually Good Luck.
Welcome To The Friday Night Funkin' VS Egor Page!
"The Team"
The Director And The Spriter: @Egor_The_Electric_Human1991
Another Coder And Charter: @NateTinBust44
Coder : we need 2 coders deal with it - willy
Composer: @SSO
Composer 2: @ItsEpicnessAlready
New Animator 1 : @GegaTheFox
New Animator 2 : @MikeFloatingHead
New Animator 3 : @RonMCDONALD
Animator And Cutsense Animator : @doyouwannahaveabadtimefool
Friday Night Funkin' Made By Ninjamuffin99
Friday Night Funkin' : Psych Engine Made By Shadow Mario
Description Written By @Egor_The_Electric_Human1991 And Edited By @WillyOfficial Edited again by @SSO and Edited Again… Again by @ItsEpicnessAlready AND edited again by @Egor_The_Electric_Human1991 and again edited by @Egor_The_Electric_Human1991