Dark Deception Re-Enhanced [MOD]

1 year ago

UPDATE 0.3.0


Read the article below for updated info

UPDATE 0.3.0


- Got rid of the custom RGB from the yellow corner lights and used temperature warm white.

- Got rid of the custom RGB from the blue lights on the roof in the cylinder rooms, certain corner lights, and the roof of the boss room and replaced it with temperature cool white.

- Got rid of the fake light in the center of the boss room.

- Got rid of the cyan lights on the roof of the bridge heading too the boss room.

- Replaced the cyan light on the elevator roof with temperature cool white.

- Deleted random point lights in the elevator area that were unnecessary.

- Deleted all the color settings in post processing and added color saturation to decrease the saturation from RGB [1-1-1] to [0.75-0.75-0.75]

- Deleted unnecessary lights around Joy Kills Blueprint.

- Increased the joy joy gang's speed to match their animations.

- Made Lucky slightly taller and rotated slightly.

1 comment


Next up

I have some bad news, since [Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals] got an update from UE 5.1 to 5.4, there have been some issues that make it unlikely to continue working on [M&M Hell Mod] so sadly, the mod will have to be on pause until further notice.


I Just Added a Third Build To The Mod Page Where You Can Now Play The Original Build Of Dark Deception, But With The Enhanced Quality Upgrades From Re-Enhanced! Such As, Motion Blur, Better Anti-Aliasing, Higher Quality Textures, ETC! Enjoy!

Glowing Watcher

[CONCEPT] Clown Gremlin + CHASE

I deeply apologize for announcing this, but I have decided to completely remove my original build for this mod. I am now revamping it for a completely new build. Which is good news! Cause it has been released.

Read Article For Full Details:

HUGE quality update has been released!

Read article below for details:

Unfortunately, Hell Mod Did Not Win Spooky Game Awards For Creative Content, Was Still Fun Nonetheless!

New Dark Deception Chapters 1-4 Trailer Out Now:

Spooky Game Awards Link:

Finally Finished The Hedge Maze

Re-Enhanced Update:

- Fixed some builds missing Blueprints, materials, and texture changes.

- Increased Anti-Aliasing samples from 8 to 64.

- Darkened the sky texture and light in mascot mayhem zone 1.

Reminder of a new DEMO package release for Mascot Mayhem Zone 1 with previews!