These Dark Hours In A Place (Five Nights at Andersons Remake)
5 months ago

Danny and Spice's teaser url's have been fixed.

New Bailey teaser on christmas.



Next up

You heard that right folks, THESE DARK HOURS IN A MANSION IS OUT NOW!!!!

Have fun! Thanks for being with this for over 2 years!


HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

@funtimefoxy132421 is Anderson Corp’s founder and the father to the Anderson family name. @RednitteGamestop  mostly refers to him as mad bastard.

Join The Bloodline is a single track surrounding him.

He is voiced by himself.

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

Devlog 1 - Now we're really cooking!

Thanks for playing. This is the end of the story.

#TheseDarkHoursInAMansion #TheseDarkHoursInAPlace