Battle Zero Gravity 2
7 years ago

Grav Fighter (BZG 2) - 3D model by Leon Oscar Kidando (@kidando) [dcccd3f]
Making a sequel to a mobile game I made a few years ago. This is going to be fun - Grav Fighter (BZG 2) - 3D model by Leon Oscar Kidando (@kidando) [dcccd3f]



Next up

Forbidden Dark Devlog 2024.2

Devlog 2023.10 - Code Refactoring For Regular Stages / Boss Stages

Devlog 2023.6 - Enemies Part 1 and Weapon Mechanics

Devlog 2023.7 - Enemies Part 2-ish and Level Re-design

Devlog 2023.11 - Upgrading To Godot 4

Forbidden Dark Devlog 2024.1

Devlog 2023.8 - Stage Room "Enhancements" + Pickups Intro

Devlog 2023.9 - Level Design Changes / Alt Weapons / Status Effects / Boss Battle Prep

What could this possibly be?

Devlog 2023.12 - Downgrading To Godot 3.5 (and other important updates)(Video)