Deception of Fate
2 years ago

Deception of Fate Zone 2 Teaser 01
Follow Deception of Fate on Game Jolt! Composed by Silent Lizard:



Next up

I forgot to formally announce this, but the Deception of Fate full release is set to be shown off during the Fanverse Gamefest this July.

Guard your mind as you guard your body, they have a way of driving you mad... #darkdeception #unrealengine #gamedev #horrorgame #horror #screenshot

[CONCEPT] Clown Gremlin + CHASE

We are running low on team members, if you’re interested please DM me and we can discuss details.

#darkdeception #UnrealEngine #gamedevelopment #animation #voiceacting #helpwanted #gamedevelopment #gamedevjobs #voiceactorneeded

Totally didn't forget this...


Hey it's been a while since I've posted anything related to Deception of Fate! So I decided to finally reveal a concept for the main menu. Enjoy! #darkdeception #unrealengine #gamedev #horrorgame #horror #action #actiongame